There’s absolutely no way they could be genuinely identifying with the Imperium of Man or its fascist power structure. And some dots started connecting in the back of my brain. And then I remembered how, back when GamerGate was still a thing that people took seriously, how they would often use repurposed images from Warhammer 40k as propaganda. And then after I wrote a particularly divisive article for TMS back in January, I started getting exposed to the less friendly elements of Warhammer 40k’s fanbase and it started to get stuck in my brain. It annoys me when people I dislike share an appreciation for something I like, but I brushed it off.īut I kept seeing that picture, and similar images, popping up all over the internet. It was a little like enjoying Liar’s Poker (which I do) and then finding out that some Wall Street creeps used it as a guide (which they did). I was a young innocent oh those many months ago, but that picture caused a twinge in me. It was last December, when Trump’s campaign was swinging into high gear.
It all started when I saw a picture of Trump photoshopped to be the God-Emperor of Mankind.